Main Lesson

Pictured below are photos from our thematic study on Australia. Over the course of three weeks, students explored Pangea, the supercontinent, and Australia’s Aboriginal Cultural Heritage before moving onto modern Australia.

“I place myself steadfastly into existence, with confidence I tread the path of life, love I nurture in the core of my being, hope I lay into all my doing, confidence I impress into my thinking.”

~Rudolf Steiner

Small Group Learning

In groups of up to eight, students explore subjects through in-depth thematic immersion in 2.5-hour sessions, three days a week. Students can attend for the term, or in thematic blocks.

Hands-On Exploration

Through oral-based story, narration, writing, music, art and poetry, and a balance of activities that involve intellectual, artistic and practical components, students receive a rich, deep, and integrated learning experience.

Literacy and Numeracy

Competence in literacy and numeracy, and a love of language and numbers is extremely important in Steiner education. New concepts in mathematics and literacy are introduced through dedicated Main Lesson thematic blocks, using a cross-curricula and artistic approach.

About The Main Lesson

In a Steiner education all subjects are learned within the context of the ‘Main Lesson’, which refers to an in-depth thematic immersion into a subject for 2.5 hours several mornings a week for a duration of three to four weeks.

Students mixing paper-mache glue with newspaper.

Our thematic study of Australian geography was titled 'I am Terra Australis'. Over 3 weeks, students learned through multi cross-curricular activities including: clay modelling, music, poetry, painting, Aboriginal spirituality, writing, mapping and graphing, geological history and language composition. Children also created a paper-mache model of Australia showing its vegetation zones and topography.

Student sculpting Australia using paper-mache.

These thematic blocks of study allow time for a rich, deep, broad-scope and integrated experience of a specific curriculum subject. Concepts are imaginatively introduced, developed, and consolidated in Main Lesson thematic blocks using the head, heart, hand approach.

Completed paper-mache of Australia drying.

The importance of artistry, music and beauty are integral to all Main Lessons, as are the veneration for nature and a care for the environment.

Painting the paper-mache topography of Australia.

Steiner education offers a meaningful context for life.  Through the rich curriculum, children connect both to their local culture, the natural environment and to the universal human story.  This supports children to grow into adults who can take their place actively in the modern world and who have the capacity and understanding to develop their true humanity and work selflessly towards a better future.

Read more about Steiner Education.

Completed paper-mache of Australia.

"The importance of artistry, music and beauty are integral to all lessons, as are the veneration for nature and a care for the environment. "

Main Lesson Examples

Meet Our Main Lesson Tutor

Petra Cram
  • From a young age I had a strong calling to be a teacher.

    In 1981 I completed my Diploma of Education at Newcastle College of Advanced Education. My early teaching experiences were in NSW state primary schools in the Hunter Valley, from tiny one-teacher country schools to large city schools.

    Having found anthroposophy before graduating, I longed to teach in a Steiner school. I found my first appointment at Linuwel Steiner School in East Maitland where I was immersed in, and impressed by, the beauty and wisdom of this comprehensive educational approach. Thereafter I taught many combined grades at Armidale Waldorf School on the NSW tablelands throughout its pioneering phase, and later at Orana Steiner school in Canberra where I began as a relief teacher for classes 1-7 and then, as a class teacher, I completed a seven-year class cycle.

    Besides learning and working and creating with children, I also love gardening, bushwalking, recreational cycling, reading and deliberative democracy.

    I am a member of the Australian Tutoring Association (ATA), and hold a current WWVP registration.


  • Petra Cram is a dedicated teacher by vocation with an eye for the whole person in each child. She combines a love and knowledge of the subject at hand with teaching expertise gained over decades.

    My son was in Petra's class during his formative years and is now studying law and science, he is fluent in Japanese and plays the violin, with a strong love of learning and outgoing interest in the world.

    I am glad for the wonderful things in his life that were once small seeds, planted and watered by Petra all those years ago.

    Caroline Archer

    October 2022

  • Petra Cram was our son’s class teacher for seven years. She displayed love and care for the class as a whole and each individual in it. Petra dealt with the wide-ranging and evolving demands of her role in an exemplary manner, not only with regard to the teaching content, but also with regard to how it was delivered - always kind, meticulous and super-conscientious.

    Michael Stenning is Co-Director of 'Freedom in Action'.

    Michael Stenning

    October 2022

  • Petra Cram taught my eldest daughter Dana in her first years of school. She was an extraordinary teacher and a fantastic introduction to the Steiner approach. In preparing this testimonial, I asked Dana (now 20 years old) what she remembered most about Petra. She replied that Petra was always calm and extremely caring, almost like a second mother. She helped Dana to solve problems and she knew when to set boundaries. We could see that Petra had the gift of being able to interest students in learning through an artful combination of stories and activities. She is also highly skilled at noticing when some students are capable, and then enlisting them to help other students, thereby extending everyone.

    Since that time, I have occasionally worked with Petra in a more professional capacity through our shared interest in participatory democracy. I have found Petra to be extremely diligent, capable and well organised. I greatly admire her passionate commitment to helping others combined with her tremendous capacity to understand and implement participatory processes.

    I would have no hesitation in recommending Petra as an extraordinary tutor.

    Dr Paul Atkins is a Co-Founder and Vice President of Prosocial World. You may like to read Dr Atkins co-authored book Prosocial.

    Dr Paul Atkins

    September 22

  • We first met Petra Cram 23 years ago when she started a 7-year-teaching cycle of teaching at the Orana Steiner School in Canberra. Our eldest son began in class one and remained until completing class seven with Petra.

    Petra opened our very first Parent-Teacher meeting with the words: "Thank you for entrusting your child to me". Petra’s attitude was one of deep responsibility.

    From the beginning we always were, as a family, in the best of hands with Petra.

    Petra was able to deeply nurture our son and he blossomed in her care emotionally and intellectually. We are so grateful to Petra that we could always trust her and for her exceptional care for our son.

    Bettina and Tim Ivers

    August 2022